Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Is it a Job or Is it a Career - Your Boss May Make it Tough

Is it a Job or Is it a Career - Your Boss May Make it Tough I have a guest blog to share about the impact managers can have on their employees and some potential unintended consequences. Enjoy! Coach Wolfgang Some days I feel like I have a very good boss. He impresses me with his initiative and is very focused on getting the job done. Hes a good leader and gets a lot more accomplished than his peers under the same Vice President. Unfortunately, thats not enough for me to love my job. In fact, my boss does a lot of things that make it difficult for me to not only love my job but also strive to improve my career at the company. When they happen I lose my enthusiasm for the day and often times I start day dreaming about a better job. When I have a day full of these things, then I pull up some job search websites and start searching. Here are 10 ways my manager is pushing me to reevaluate my position: career vs. job? Am I here for a paycheck until I find a better opportunity or is there a long-term career for me here? Our one-on-one weekly meetings with me consist mostly of you giving out new tasks Assign me mostly projects that you dont like or dont want to do Rarely address my career development and assume that I love what I do You give verbal accolades but rarely give substantive awards or raises Dont take the time to understand what my day-to-day looks like Dont know how many hours I am working and if I am feeling stressed out by my workload Assume that I like all tasks/projects equally You expect me to answer yes to everything you ask Dont demonstrate that you are working just as hard Think I am being lazy when I dont deliver a task on time or dont do it the way you wanted As employees, we have a role in this too. We need to voice our concerns to our manager and have honest conversations. If we arent getting what we need, we do need to speak up. As a people manager, consider how many of these you are guilty of. Honestly, that list isnt too hard to turn around. If you can make these changes, youll have me working my tail off and excited about working for you. Plus, Ill stop looking at job search sites.

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